
Traditional Braces

The American Association of Orthodontists estimates that approximately 4 million Americans are currently wearing braces. If you or your child have crooked, crowded, or missing teeth, traditional braces can restore your smile and confidence. At Hunt Orthodontics, Todd Hunt, DDS, Dr. Falter, and his team offer patients access to a variety of orthodontic treatments, including traditional braces. With three locations in Muskegon, North Muskegon, and Fremont, Michigan, access is easy. To learn more about your options for braces, schedule an appointment online or by phone today.

Traditional Braces Q & A

Who can benefit from traditional braces?

Anyone who is unhappy with the appearance of their smile as a result of crooked or poorly spaced teeth can benefit from traditional braces.


The best way to determine whether you’re a good candidate is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hunt. Following a comprehensive oral exam and review of your medical history, he can make recommendations that align with your goals.


What types of issues can braces correct?

Traditional braces are incredibly versatile. At Hunt Orthodontics, Dr. Hunt uses them to correct a variety of issues, including:

  • Overlapping teeth
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Malocclusion or “bad bite”

Traditional braces can also correct issues such as overbite and underbite.


What is the process for having braces put on?

Getting braces usually takes two appointments. At your first appointment, Dr. Hunt performs a comprehensive oral exam and takes X-rays of your mouth. He then uses this information to tailor an orthodontic treatment plan based on your mouth’s unique structure.


During your second appointment, Dr. Hunt polishes your teeth and applies a priming agent for the adhesive. Once the priming agent dries, he uses a medical grade bonding glue to attach a series of brackets to your teeth.


Finally, he places the wires and secures the rubber bands in place. The entire process usually takes less than 90 minutes and is relatively pain-free.


How long will I need to wear braces?

The length of time you’ll need to wear your braces depends on the condition of your teeth and your aesthetic goals. Most patients wear traditional braces an average of between one and three years. Be patient and follow Dr. Hunt’s instructions as carefully as possible.


Do braces hurt?

Thanks to modern treatment techniques, traditional braces are safe and generally well-tolerated. However, in the days after their initial application, it’s perfectly normal for your teeth and jaws to feel sore or swollen. Taking an over-the-counter painkiller and eating soft foods should provide relief.


How do I care for my braces?

If you’re wearing braces, it’s crucial that you practice good oral hygiene. Dr. Hunt recommends you brush and floss twice a day and visit your dentist once every six months for a professional cleaning and exam.


In the early stages of your orthodontic treatment, Dr. Hunt may schedule a series of follow-up appointments. To achieve the best possible results, it’s important you attend all of them.


If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of traditional braces, call Hunt Orthodontics or schedule an appointment online today.

Clear Braces

If you think you’re too old to achieve the smile of your dreams, it may be time to think again. Thanks to modern orthodontic treatments, such as clear braces, restoring your pearly whites to their original condition is easier than ever. Todd Hunt, DDS, and Dr. Falter are proud to offer their patients access to clear braces at Hunt Orthodontics. They has three convenient offices in Muskegon, North Muskegon, and Fremont, Michigan. Schedule a consultation online or by phone today to learn more about clear braces.

Clear Braces Q & A

Are traditional braces my only orthodontic treatment option?

No. Over the course of the last two decades, a variety of more subtle orthodontic treatments have become available.


At Hunt Orthodontics, Dr. Hunt offers clear braces that are made with ceramic or plastic brackets. He also offers patients access to the Invisalign® system, a series of clear, removable orthodontic aligners.


Clear braces aren’t entirely invisible, but they’re much less noticeable than traditional braces. What’s more, the brackets used in clear braces are specifically designed to mimic the light-reflecting properties of your teeth. This means whenever you smile or laugh, your orthodontic appliances are much less visible.


Who can benefit from clear braces?

Dr. Hunt generally recommends clear braces for adults and responsible teenagers.


Ceramic and plastic braces are much more delicate than traditional metal brackets and also easier to stain. Because of this, clear braces require extra attention and care. Many children and young teenagers aren’t mature enough to handle the necessary day-to-day maintenance.


Younger patients are also more likely to suffer injuries that can damage their orthodontic appliances. Dr. Hunt specializes in early orthodontic treatment, so the best way to determine if your child is a good candidate for clear braces is to schedule a consultation.


Are there any prerequisites to wearing clear braces?

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth and practice good oral hygiene, you can start orthodontic treatment right away.


However, if you’ve been diagnosed with gum disease such as gingivitis or periodontitis, it’s crucial to address these issues first. Left untreated, gum disease negatively affects your orthodontic treatment and prevents you from achieving stunning, long-lasting results.


Will I need to wear a retainer after my clear braces are off?

Yes, after Dr. Hunt removes your clear braces, he’ll ask you to wear a retainer. Although this may seem like a hassle, it’s absolutely crucial to the success of your orthodontic treatment.


A retainer prevents your teeth from moving again, ensuring your smile stays how Dr. Hunt intended.


To learn more about the benefits of clear braces, schedule an appointment at Hunt Orthodontics online or by phone today.


If you dream of having a straight, white smile you can show off to the world without resorting to brackets, wires, or rubber bands, then Invisalign® clear aligners may be the perfect solution. At Hunt Orthodontics in Muskegon, North Muskegon, and Fremont, Michigan, Todd Hunt, DDS, Dr. Falter, and his team offer this safe, effective, noninvasive orthodontic technology. To learn more about the benefits of Invisalign, schedule a consultation online or by phone today.

Invisalign Q & A

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable, plastic aligners to carefully and effectively straighten your teeth.


Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners don’t use wires, brackets, or rubber bands. Instead, they’re manufactured with a thermoplastic known as SmartTrack®.


SmartTrack is FDA-approved and contains no BPS, BPA, latex, or gluten, making it an excellent orthodontic treatment option for patients who have allergies.


How does Invisalign work?

Getting Invisalign aligners usually takes two separate appointments.  At your first appointment, Dr. Hunt takes X-rays and molds of your teeth.


He then uses this information to develop a unique treatment plan for your teeth. Dr. Hunt also sends the molds of your teeth to a laboratory where your aligners are custom manufactured.


About a week later, you return to Hunt Orthodontics, and Dr. Hunt applies your first set of Invisalign aligners. He then gives you a list of instructions to follow carefully and schedules another follow-up appointment.


Every few weeks, you’ll return for a new set of aligners. Slowly, but surely, you’ll start seeing a noticeable improvement in the appearance of your smile.


Can I take out my Invisalign aligners?

Yes. If you have an important event to attend like a wedding or job interview, feel free to take your Invisalign aligners out and leave them at home.


However, as soon as you finished, it’s important to put your aligners back in. Invisalign aligners must be worn 20-22 hours per day to achieve the best possible results.


How do I care for my Invisalign aligners?

Caring for your Invisalign aligners is easy and hassle-free. Take them out and rinse them with cold water before each meal and gently brush them with your toothbrush at least once every day.


Whatever you do, keep your Invisalign aligners away from hot or warm water as high temperatures can cause them to warp or melt. For more thorough cleanings, ask Dr. Hunt about the Invisalign Cleaning System.


If you’re interested in seeing if you or your teen can benefit from Invisalign clear aligners, schedule a consultation at Hunt Orthodontics online or by phone today.

Early Orthodontic Treatment

As your child’s adult teeth start coming in, you may notice issues such as gaps or overcrowding. Left untreated, these issues can cause oral health problems into adulthood. Todd Hunt, DDS, Dr. Falter, and his team at Hunt Orthodontics in Muskegon, North Muskegon, and Fremont, Michigan, improve the lives and health of children by offering appropriate early orthodontic treatment. Schedule a consultation online or by phone today to learn more about protecting your child’s oral health.

Early Orthodontic Treatment Q & A

How do I know if my child needs orthodontic treatment?

The best way to determine whether your child needs early orthodontic treatment is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hunt and the team at Hunt Orthodontics.


Many orthodontic issues are difficult to identify, even for experts, which is why a thorough evaluation by a trusted professional is absolutely necessary. At Hunt Orthodontics, Dr. Hunt and his team offer traditional braces as well as clear braces, including InvisalignⓇ clear aligners.


When should my child have their first orthodontic screening?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends all children undergo an orthodontic evaluation by age 7.


While every child’s development is different, most boys and girls develop their first adult molars by the time they’re 6. Combined with other developmental markers, a thorough inspection at age 7 enables Dr. Hunt to pinpoint potential problems early on.


Why issues can early orthodontic treatment prevent?

Orthodontic treatment is generally recommended for kids between the ages of 9-14. However, there are certain oral health problems that can benefit from even earlier intervention and treatment.


Dr. Hunt regularly recommends early orthodontic treatment to address a variety of alignment issues, including:


Severe crossbite

Severe crossbite is a condition that’s characterized by your child’s upper teeth fitting snugly inside of their bottom teeth. Dr. Hunt uses palatal expanders to address this problem, which can prevent the need for surgery later in life.


Severe crowding

If your child’s jaws are too small to hold all of their permanent adult teeth, it can lead to severe crowding. Treatments like palatal expansion and tooth extraction can make adequate room, ensuring your child’s teeth come in as they should.


Protruding teeth

Front teeth that stick or protrude outward are more likely to experience chips or cracks. Children with these issues are also more susceptible to bullying and teasing. Early orthodontic treatment can address aesthetic imperfections quickly and effectively.


Are there certain habits that increase my child’s risk of orthodontic problems?

Yes. The following habits are all associated with an increased risk of orthodontic issues, including speech impairment and teeth misalignment:

  • Mouth breathing
  • Thumb sucking
  • Tongue thrusting

If your child exhibits any of these bad habits, it’s important to seek the guidance of a professional orthodontist like Dr. Hunt as soon as possible.


To learn more about the benefits of early orthodontic treatment, schedule a consultation at Hunt Orthodontics online or by phone today.


There are three basic types of retainers available today; each works best in particular situations. The most common type of retainer used is the “Essix” retainer – A thin, clear, plastic retainer, worn mostly at night. The next most commonly used retainer is a permanent bonded wire (primarily bonded to the inside of the lower front teeth.) A third type of retainer is a “Hawley” retainer, which is also removable, and can be worn full time.


Another popular style of retainer is the clear aligner-type, which looks similar to the Invisalign® tray system. These retainers are custom-made of thin, transparent plastic which is designed to fit precisely over your teeth. Their main advantage is that they’re invisible, with no wire to show. These retainers are also easy to remove, but they may be somewhat less durable than the Hawleys. They aren’t recommended for patients with certain conditions like teeth grinding.


Finally, fixed retainers may be an option for some people, especially on the lower front teeth. As their name implies, they aren’t removable by the wearer — but they aren’t visible either. Like lingual braces, this system uses a wire which is bonded to the tongue side of the teeth. It may remain in place for months, or longer. This type of retainer is sometimes recommended when there’s a high risk that teeth could revert to their former position.